Haha! I’m getting really good at not blogging for a whole year! In doing a summary, it does feel like, overall, not much has changed too much, which is excellent! There are lots of little things that are absolutely wonderful, but too little to write about (or we’d be here forever). Maybe I should write about them out of the normal yearly structure…

Started the year out with a trip to Steamfest up in Maitland. Booked ourselves onto an old steam train as well. I definitely think that booking yourself onto the train is a must if you make the trip.

There was also a trip up to the Australia Reptile Park. It’s a wonderful day trip. The park isn’t too big so you can comfortably get home for dinner if need be.

Of course, then all the dancing followed. Jazz Bang, Melbourne Swing Festival, Sydney Lindy Exchange, Sydney Balboa Weekend, Sydney Lindy Weekend. It does seem like I do a great lot of dancing when I list it all out! Melbourne Swing Festival was a highlight for me. SLX had me again competing, and ending up with a 3rd in Balboa (again).

Sydney Balboa Weekend – Masha Krokhina and Mickey Fortanasce
Sydney Lindy Weekend – Vincenzo Fesi and Moe Sakan

Rounded out the year with a day trip to our closest rainforest – Minnamurra Rainforest. Take the Macquarie Pass drive whilst you’re at it from Sydney… Especially if you love driving. Doing it in the MGB was a massive treat.

And finally a trip to Tasmania! I hadn’t been since High School – and not that I remembered too much. This time it was a trip from Launceston to Cradle Mountain, and then down to Hobart. Launceston is a cute little fun place. We ended up heading up to Low Head to catch some penguins! Highlight. Cradle Mountain is absolutely beautiful. This was in December and there was snow and sleet. Saw my first wild ALIVE wombat (many many wombats). The sleet wasn’t so fun, as we were up on the Cradle Mountain hike.

Dusk as Low Head
Penguin chick
Little penguin
Death on the Face Track
Cradle Mountain from Dove Lake

The year has flown by. I’ve booked myself in to All The Cats Join In for 2020 already. Fingers crossed for an overseas trip! There has been some long projects happening around the house as well. Once I get a bit closer to completion, I may show it off just a little bit.

MGB on unsealed roads in Turon

The MGB has had a drive almost every weekend, and more some weeks. I’ve done a few tune ups over the year, but nothing major has needed replacing or fixing.

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