2017 flew by with 0 posts! Well I turned 30, which was a small deal. I ended up hiking the Six Foot Track, just to get away from it all. It was a gorgeous 3 days.













Of course there was also dancing, and lots of it. It started with All The Cats Join In in Melbourne. It was my first one – it was absolutely brilliant. I think it was just the amount of hours spent dancing that just speeds everything up. Logically, you may dance 20-30 hours over the course of the weekend. If you dance an hour a week in normal classes, thats half a year of dancing in 3 days. Then there were all the local Sydney events (Sydney Balboa Weekend with Jacob and Valerie – they’re so excellent), and ending with Sydney Lindy Exchange. I came second for both Lindy Hop and Balboa in the Australian Swing Dance Championships. I’d say a good outcome, but of course, there’s still a long way to go!




Auctions, lots of auctions, and then finally finding a place to call home! In doing there, there was a lot of packing, moving and unpacking. We’re pretty settled now which is great. Still some renovations to do, such as the kitchen remodel, which will be a lot of work, but hopefully sometime this year.

The year kind of finished with a trip to Tanzania to hike Kilimanjaro with Ayse, Alex and Fran. Our last hike was in Peru together. I get sick at altitudes I’ve now come to realise, so the height of Kilimanjaro was excellent for that… but I made it, physically, and not mentally. One of the hardest things that I’ve done. I think I’ll stay away from mountains from now on – it wasn’t the fault of Kilimanjaro (definitely recommended).




Professionally, its been quite stable at work. 2 years in and its interesting to see how start ups evolve and adapt to all the challenges that appear. There are of course, lots of take aways and experience in it all. I’ve been spending my spare time working on my own projects as well, which keeps me busy (maybe too busy), but again, lots to learn and take in, and to keep skilled up.

So for 2018, dancing wise, it’ll be hopefully some Fast Lindy (or just Faster Lindy), but also just more Balboa. Renovate the kitchen. More cycling (as with every year), and hopefully end up overseas at some point!


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