
The same bunch of animals

Colca Valley / Colca Canyon – Peru

Yesterday was spent in Colca Valley and Colca Canyon looking at Condors and Llamas, Alpacas and Vicuñas. The morning started at 5 am to make sure we got to the canyon viewing point by 8 am. There were a few condors around, but quite far away, but after about 45 minutes, […]

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This was way too early

Arequipa – Peru

We spent an evening here to check out the sites and markets and also to acclimatize to the altitude (2380m). Its been interesting in regards to the idea to slowly progress up to the 3800m of Cusco and Machu Picchu. I was a bit light headed heading into dinner, but […]

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Nazca – Peru

Nazca – Peru

Yesterday was an action packed day that ranged from having an amazing time, to nearly spewing everywhere – so overall – not a bad day! It started off with a tour of the Cahuachi Pyramids in a fantastic off roader buggy and then onwards to sand boarding or “samboarding” as they […]

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Barranco – Lima – Peru

Barranco – Lima – Peru

I’ve spent the last day or so visiting the Monastery of San Francisco and the Catacombs in downtown Lima, and walking around Barranco. Barranco is a bohemian town which has started to become popular more recently as more restaurants have popped up. Below are just some images from around the […]

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