
Pat Capocci @ Miss Peaches – Newtown

Pat Capocci @ Miss Peaches – Newtown

I finished up my Swing class with Sharon and Nathan at Miss Peaches and hung around (as always). They’ve actually started with Rockabilly nights instead of the Swing bands they’ve had for the last month or so. This week was Pat Capocci, next week is Pia Andersen. The information is […]

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Peter Flahiff – Swing weekend

Peter Flahiff – Swing weekend

I’ve had the chance to have a whole weekend of dance over the Valentine’s Day weekend. Peter Flahiff was touring from the US and he had a weekend of Tap, Lindy, Shag and Balboa. I attended the Tap, Shag and Balboa classes. It was all pretty intense, especially the Bal […]

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Lindy on Sproul – Berkeley

Lindy on Sproul – Berkeley

Saturday’s event is Lindy On Sproul in Berkeley. It wasn’t hard to find and it was nice to head out of town for part of the day. I wasn’t able to make it up the hill, but I was told to head up to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where there is a […]

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