Written by Milton Lai in Williams, Arizona
Quick dump of Parkour Photos
Finally I found myself some free wifi. I’m currently in William, Arizona. I’ve had the busiest week so far, but currently, everyone is asleep so possibly I shouldn’t type for too much longer. Here’s a dump of photos from Sunday. Written by Milton Lai in Williams, Arizona
Secondary Sort – Subsorting Listboxes
This has been one of those user functionalities which I attacked sometime last year and now that I’ve had it placed into the framework, I feel that its been tested and works quite well. The frustration I had with listboxes where you do a sort (lets take iTunes for example) […]
Third Week of Uni / Bulk upload of data into Sybase
Since last tuesday, I’ve had quite a long week since Nick has gotten back from overseas, so its been a bit of catching up, and doing as we used to do (stuffing our faces with junk food – I haven’t had any junk food since the new year). On the […]
Cat Empire at Bondi Beach
The Cat Empire is currently promoting their Live on Earth album, which I think is their best album – recordings of live gigs from around the world. They decided to have two free gigs in Sydney last weekend, which was great considering I didn’t end up going to their show […]