So just last night, well a little while ago now, bought tickets to see the cat empire, and last night was their show. They aren’t just doing one show, but 8 in 7 days, in attempt to set a new venue record. They were here to also promote their new album – So Many Nights. It was a great night, quite a few songs from the new album, as well as a few classics. Started off with The Bamboos as the supporting band.

Harry James Angus:

Oliver McGill:

Will HullBrown:

Harry again:

Was an amazing night, just wish it’d never end. Brilliant musicians.

Apart from last night, I skipped saturdays wedding, mainly because I’ve just got too much work going on. Ended up spending saturday at work, working on my project – fixing bugs since we had to have a release on tuesday. Sunday was spent on my assignment, well its a group assignment. Basically to just create a multi-tiered application of the one we had already built. Just spent the day creating this middle business tier and delegated the rest to my group, which hopefully wont leave too much work for me to do now.

A few more weddings to get through, then I’ll have my weekends back, and hopefully i’ll be able to get outside before the temperatures go nuts! not that i dont love hot days, but mountain biking in those kind of temperatures is a bit insane.

Written by Milton Lai

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