I’ve spent most of the past couple weeks at the beach – outside of work hours anyway. I’ve found a nice little cafe at Coogee called Cafe Congo. Great food and even better coffee. The staff are just quite friendly. I’m currently sitting here writing all of this. I’ve just finished another morning spent lying on the beach and finishing off the Vancouver album design. It’s… nearly there… it’s not perfect, but I guess the longer I stare at it, the more I’ll end up changing. I’ll give it till next weekend and I’ll send it off then.

The days have had a minimum temperature of.. 24 degrees and its clicked that it means the coldest for the whole day is 24… meaning at midnight its 24, and I’ll wake up and its 24. The temperature has been hovering around the mid 30’s.

I’ve been carrying my camera with me to and from work, having a few snaps here and there, but I’ll have to upload that when I get home.

In terms of work, I spent a day out at Moss Vale installing and setting up a couple computers and trouble shooting a few outstanding problems. Lovely drive out there – nice and quiet once you are there. I’m still yet to get my head around the next project. There’s a device which is updating its software and database schema, meaning our program which imports that information is somewhat broken at the moment. The new database schema, is… well I’ve no idea what they were thinking. It’s just making my life a bit difficult at the moment.

New phone – N85. Hate it in the sun, since I can’t see a thing with the new OLED display, but apart from that, its a great phone. I’m not a big user of all the functionality, but it makes calls, syncs with my iCal and rings, so it does everything I want it to do. 5MP camera as well, which… I’ll have to grab a photo off it so I can see how good or bad it actually is.

Uni… I’ve enrolled in 2 subject this semester – Project Management and the Professional and Finance and IT (first year subject I missed out on). Currently I’ve got clashing tutorials which I hope the uni will sort out for me, but I should do fine in the two subjects. I am taking the easter break off, so I’ll need to make sure my assignments get sorted before I head off. There’ll be a bit of pressure this first semester.

Written by Milton Lai

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