I’m on the road again. This time to Vancouver to go snow boarding and photograph. I’m currently here at Auckland airport and have about a 3 hour wait until my connecting flight departs. This time around, I’m a lot more relaxed about flying. My wait at Sydney Airport was spent editing photos for the latest APA (Australian Parkour Association) newsletter – I hope I can get the photos to them in time. I’m a bit worried about how my body is going to cope over the next week or so – mainly because my boarding lessons will have me leaving the house at about 6 am or a bit earlier. Thats 11 pm Sydney time!

Not the most interesting entry – but I’m in VANCOUVER! Its not that cold – I’m in jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie – and I’m not freezing to death. The only thing that sucks is that the snow has melted and its wet EVERYWHERE – so currently the converse shoes I had are a bit wet.
Arrived at my friends place just now – picked up by her parents. Went through the “second” chinatown to pick up some groceries. I’ll be heading off to pick up my bus tickets since I don’t necessarily want to be arriving at the bus depot at 5:30 tomorrow morning. The snow looks amazing – the streets, the houses, the cars – everywhere is covered in snow!
Whistler tomorrow…. can’t wait!

Written by MIlton Lai

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