So today we headed to the Colleseum at about 9am. There are a few people outside trying to get you to join tours. We ended up starting to line up for tickets, and found that inside, there are 4 Euro tours of just the Colleseum ( and not Palentine Hill). We took that, skipping the line (although the line wasn’t too long – about 20 minutes – as we came out, the line was outside the colleseum so that might’ve been into an hour or so.

The Colleseum was glorious. To think they built it back in the day in 8 years and to hold 50000 people. The Palentine Hill was up next. The area is just huge. I think I’ve done my fair share of walking for a long while. We then travelled through many streets to all the other smaller attractions – smaller in size that is. I’ll list them when I get the chance. I’m in bed in the dark and everyone else is asleep. The areas were crowded with tourists. Its the first time I’ve seen so many tourists in one place.

We ended up getting back here at about 7pm for a nap and then off to get our laundry done. We headed back to the Colleseum for a couple night shots… I’ll let you guys decide if they work or not, just because there are trees everywhere and this to me was the best spot – apart from the glaring light.

Then back for 15 minutes of free internet (which couldve been longer since the application which times you out is a VB program I’m sure the owner wrote. Ctrl+Alt+Del tends to do the job of killing the app), dinner at a local pizza place and now back here. Long day, walked bout 10 or more hours. Tomorrow, we’ll try our luck with the lines again, and hope we can get in within the hour. Then several more attractions before heading off to Florence on a train at about 7:15 pm.
Its nearly possible to do the 2 main attractions in one day… but you’ll miss the rest, so I can now say its very possible to do Rome in 2 days.

Written by Milton Lai

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