Right now, I’m at my hostel in Naples. Since the last time I wrote, we arrived back in Athens just fine. The directions were a bit confusing – the hostel ended up being about 2 minutes walk from our old hostel. Had a quiet drink since we were both quite tired from not having enough rest. We did go check out the olympic stadium in Athens and walked to the top of the biggest hill I’ve ever seen. The view was amazing. Basically it overlooked the whole of Athens. I grabbed a few shots of the sunset from there.

The following morning, we left at about 7am, to hope on a train from Larissa to Patras. I was supposed to grab a shot of the corinth canal as we fly past on the train, but I’m sure I was asleep as the train went over it. Then the wait at Patras for our ferry consisted of a Gyro Sandwich, an information point, some walking, and internet.  The boat – I was thinking it was going to be horrible, since usually I’m not the best at not being sick on a boat. I survived it just fine. We had deck seats… meaning we had to sleep on the floor – outside. We had sleeping mats so that was good. Caught another sunset and sunrise.

Getting to the port at Bari, we had to bus it to the train station. It cost 1.50 Euro. It wouldve been a 45 minute walk or more in the heat. At the station, we were told we needed to train it to Taranto and then to Naples. We found out on the train that Taranto has no trains to Naples, but a bus. It was ok though, since it was part of the Eurail and Interrail passes. The bus… was small, uncomfortable and took about 4-5 hours. The airconditioning worked though, which was the only plus. We ended up arriving here around the same time as if we caught the train that left 3 hours later to Cassidra (spelling?) and then changing train to get to Naples.

I had a quick run through my emails when we arrived, then headed out to check out the attractions – all were closed but it was nice to just see them. We then had dinner before heading back here. Nick is a bit unwell at the moment and thinks the flu is coming on for him. Tomorrow, I might wake up a bit early to grab a few shots of the buildings here, since I was a bit worried to bring the camera out this evening. Then we’ll head off to Pompeii, then back for the best Pizza in town, before heading off to Rome. We’ve been told that the islands are nice here and makes me wish we were here longer, but theres always next time. It’s the main attractions we want to see this time around.

The pizza for dinner tonight was salty… we’ve had a couple pizzas so far and they’ve both been salty… prefer Aussie Italian Pizzas so far…

Written by Milton Lai

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