Currently sitting at Le Montage here in Leichhardt/Lilyfield on their free wifi. Well before I start talking about these endless weeks, I’ll run through whats happened since I got back from my trip.
My first week back was… not the worst thing in the world. I ended up leaving work a bit earlier than usual because driving at about 6pm or so was kind of dangerous considering how tired I was. I’ve been placed on a few projects to get me back into gear. Of course these projects have stretched on a bit, not my fault necessarily but rather having to deal with other people and awaiting responses on testing and correct information.
I’ve been developing my own IDE for our “Dynamic” forms that we have at work, which I also developed. It allows me to simply drag and drop and align widgets on a window and calculate all the necessary information and create me insert statements to stick into the database. On top of that, I’ve written a procedure which creates another procedure once run. With the dynamic nature of these tables, to run a report on the particular table, you would normally need to statically name each attribute. Here I would rerun my procedure which will recreate the procedure with all the correct attributes negating the need to change any existing stored procedures when the table structure changes. I’ve also been writing a few stored procedures to move data around because new databases needed to be set up.
With all my photos, I’ve been trying to write my own slideshow application – suggested by Kenny – who just got a summer internship with Google! So I’ve been trying, but its been a bit buggy, so I’m nearly there to show you all my photos. I’ve finished the design of my album / coffee table book and its been printed and distributed… only 5 copies were printed… I’ll have the images up as soon as I get my slideshow app going. I’ll give it another 2 weeks or so, since I’ve been a bit busy.
I’ve been training a lot more – in fitness and parkour. Its been going quite well. Supposed to be meeting up with Kenny every tuesday – not for the past 2 – been busy and hard a car accident… Otherwise, since daylight savings kicked in early, I can get home and still go for a run and its still a great temperature.
So since I’ve gotten back… this is the 6th wedding – 5 which I’ve worked at… I don’t feel as though I’ve had much of a break as yet… At least the follow few weeks it’ll be just a single wedding for the weekend and I can end up having a day to myself. Cousins wedding yesterday, so it was one which I could actually turn up to and enjoy. Some how I ended up with a few responsibilities like working the video and taking a few photographs here and there… but overall, it was a great wedding – relaxing – not the waking up at 5:30 this morning though.
Car accident – in short, a guy rear-ended me. He was a nice guy, spoke to him, he wanted to sort it out privately… most people recommend against that, but he returned my phone calls and sms’s. I got a few quotes for the damage – $1500 as a starting quote – he gave me a cheque on friday for that amount and hopefully thats as much as its going to cost. Most people don’t end up trusting others – saying people may run away and refuse to pay… but I think that there are some kind hearted people out there and so I guess my first accident wasn’t so bad. At the end of the day, he has to pay one way or another, and so I’ll run by whatever he suggests.
Oh – I got glasses – I need them for seeing in the distance – like driving… at night…
This week – full driving license and possibly make these projects end so I can move onto others.
In a few weeks I should have a bit more spare time on my hands.

Written by Milton Lai

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