The last leg of my trip was in Japan. Headed into Akihabara, the technology town, and Shibuya, the youth fashion town. Japan was humid as anything when I was there. Akihabara – nice place if I lived there, too many 7 story stores of just technology. Then there were the alley ways where both sides were lined with tiny little shops which sold everything. Prices were average, nothing special, then again, I can’t say I was after anything. They sold a larger variety of gear than they do in Sydney thats for sure. I didn’t end up buying anything. Shibuya was full of kids shopping. Fashion wasn’t really my thing, but I had been told to go there. Nothing that special apart from shopping, but I don’t think Japanese fashion is really my thing. Not really liking guys with handbags and purses.. It was a really tough day, just because it felt like I had been up over a day, so anytime I sat down, I would fall asleep. Not the best thing to do when you are in a country where you don’t know where you are going.

So I haven’t experienced jetlag before, but I have now. Its been a relatively short week, because I’d fall asleep quite early and wake up at a reasonable hour. Left work a bit earlier – just so I wouldn’t need to drive so late in the day. Since I’ve been back, its been pretty hectic trying to get all the images sorted. I’ve cut 5000 or so images down to about 800 reasonable photos. I think I’ve just got too many shots of churches and what not, places which I barely remember, places which look the same everywhere. I’ll have some photos to show soon, give it about a week.

So the week was slow to begin with, since the boss didn’t want to put me under too much pressure too soon. Just a small project to get me going again. I’m off my original project for another month or so, just to reduce more frequent releases and so hopefully everything settles down a bit. Weekend, slept a whole heap, caught up with friends and slept some more, and there was a post-wedding shoot as well on the saturday morning. The day turned out to be lovely and hot..

Written by Milton Lai

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