So I’m actually in Marseille at the moment. Just a quite note for travellers out there. Make sure you bring a laptop with you. Most hostels charge for using THEIR computers for the internet. WIFI is FREE. So just as long as you bring a laptop / borrow one / buy the EeePC, the internet is then free. Internet prices range from 1 Euro for 10 minutes to 1 Euro for 1 hour. At hostels, they are generally 1 Euro for 15 minutes – 30 minutes.

So anyway, Nice was a relaxing town. We had KFC on the corner  of our block – extremely handy. I was however, locked out of my room in the early hours of the morning because the door handle broke. Long night. So on arrival we had a walk to the beach there – gorgeous colour – I’ve got some nice photos of the beach that day. We’ve been having quiet nights, both because Nick is still unwell, and also because the hostels we’ve been at lately don’t have common rooms and cheap drinks. The next day, we had a day trip out to Monaco. Its quite a rich town, nice looking ports and it just has that expensive atmostphere about it. Back to Nice and I went for a walk on my own to the highest point in the Old Town of Nice – as well as through it. Colourful place, small streets, lots of cafes and bars. The view from the top was quite beautiful – although the sun was out and there was a huge haze over the town.

Next morning – which was this morning, I headed out at 7 am to the beach. Only locals about – it felt really good to be amongst the locals, swimming and lying around – having them joke around. Its like a regular thing for them. Headed back at 10 am to pack and get some shopping done – only found a couple things – and then onto a train here to Marseille.

Blisters are killing me at the moment. Hopefully head out on a quick walk to the port this evening and catch some dinner and tomorrow a walk to the castle and some vantage points over the city before hitting a beach for the rest of the day. Tomorrow evening we’ll be heading to Lyon. Hopefully there’ll be free wifi there.

Written by Milton Lai


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