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8:51 am 28/07/08 +9

Landed in Tokyo a little while ago now. I’ve just been walking around the airport, checking out the shops to see what hilarious things I could buy / take photos of. I found it. I’ll upload an image when I get the chance. I even bought it.

I was amazed that at counters, the people count the money 3 times before handing it back to you, and when you pay, you are supposed to place the money on a tray. The place is spotlessly clean. It’s amazing. The travellators power down when not being used as well, which I’m not sure if Sydney does this. Most people at the airport speak english which is great, but of course, if its just slightly more complicated theres no chance.

Currently I look up and there are kangaroos, wallabies, wombats and an australian flag being posted on the TV. I’ve no idea whats going on there. It seems to be Australian wildlife.

The 4 hour wait hasn’t been that long, especially since I’m now trying to get the internet working on my machine. I just found out my multicard reader isn’t working, so I’m now using the D70 as my reader.

Written by Milton Lai

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