Exams, exams, exams. Luckily now they are all over. Not too confident on my final exam about methodologies, but the database one was a good one. Apart from that, I’ve been working on my project. This is a short lived entry since I havn’t had much sleep in the past week. A lot has been going on, and 2 good friends of mine have left for overseas today. One to Europe and then to America for 6 months of study, and the other to Europe for a month, but then I’ll be there for a month just as she leaves there. So a tight 3 weeks ahead and a lot to sort out still. I’ll be bringing a bit of camera gear with me, with the hope to grab some awesome photos. I’ll have an itinerary of sorts up closer to date.

Project is due out this week, and then school holidays are in – so it’ll give me some time to fix my code… those issues that are so natural to create, and are put off time and time again. I am still experiencing random crashes on the Win32 build of my application, but nothing ever goes wrong on my OSX build.

Since a few mates have left – I guess I need to start focusing more on work – and this blog! So, as I’ve said before, I hope to blog more, but I’m sure I will, since instead of venting to friends, I can vent here. I will hopefully go through my travel plans, and my travel gear. This is my first trip overseas, so I’m no regular backpacker, but I’m a keen one!
Tomorrow – Australia’s Next Top Model. A friend of mine has invited me to join her – to cheer me up. Not sure if photography is allowed, but I’ll bring in my little camera for that.

Written by Milton Lai

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