Wow, its been a pretty long time since my last entry. Assignments have been on, and so less and less time for everything else. I’m currently on a train to Olympic Park since I’ve got a shift at ANZ Stadium. First for the year. I guess I should be writing in some particular order, so I’ll start with the week of the 6th.

This was a week where I originally had 2 assignments due, although one was pushed back another 3 weeks, but I had a methodology subjects assignment due. Later in the week, there was a symposium at work and so I was a bit mad running around making sure things ran smoothly. The weekend was spent working on my database programming assignment and also a quick stop at the Surry Hills Festival.

Week of the 13th, and the 20th, was my mid semester break. on Wednesday, I turned up to my first ever play. Well not my first, but the first that I chose to go to. “Theatre of Blood” at Studio ONE at UNSW. It was unexpectedly good. The audience was about 30 or so, meaning we were really in with the action. On the weekend, I was at work, again working on my db assignment, but I was there helping out with the implementation of the new PABX phone system. It was all done by TalkWare and NEC.

The second week, disaster struck. Basically, a hard drive died in one of the arrays, which contained user data. It meant that everyone wasnt able to connect to the server until we sorted out which volumes were affected. There was some inability to map the volumes to the physical hard drives, and Sun wasn’t able to help very much either. The rest of the week was spent pretty much recovering files – which then flowed into the weekend and I was in front of a terminal the whole time, staging back files off tapes.

The was a wedding on the 27th, which was at a lovely location towards Gosford. During the week, I had my database assignment due. Nervous moments before handing it in. I could also say frustrating since I was able to get the run time down from 20 minutes to 3 minutes of processing time. It turns out there are a couple people already who have had a 3 second function. It is still a bit hard to take in, but over the next couple weeks, everyone should find out how that was even possible! I had audio issues in the car, which was due to my front left speaker falling out, after having a little toggle snapped, and it caused the terminals to short circuit against the doors frame. I had to rip apart the whole car to find that one out. That was done on saturday.

The start of this week has been a bit slow. Lots to do though, but its been a bit less structured.

Over the next couple weeks is a busy time for me, with assignments packed up every weekend, a wedding this saturday, and soon after that, exam times.

Written by Milton Lai

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