Its been a very long week, with not enough project work done, but a lot of operations related issues dealt with. Basically, one guy left for the US for a conference last week, coming back tomorrow. Another left on Tuesday to another conference for a week, back this tuesday, then off again for a month in Europe. So that left 3 people on operations. It helps so much that one of the guys has uni on tuesday and wednesday, leaving 2 of us on operations. So spent a lot of the week in operations related issues.

So just a quick run down of my week.

Monday – had a new payroll system implemented, which looks quite good. I guess its reached the stage of removing paper.

Tuesday – Had a meeting with the boss to talk about my “current” project. Basically, he wants me to use the framework we have instead of hard coding SQL statements in the event that in the future, we change the data model, we dont need to change individual lines of SQL, instead the framework will make all the necessary changes. Had uni, getting back my subnetting quiz, getting 12/15, which I really only had one stupid mistake – writting the right number in binary but some how was 1 off from the conversion.

Wednesday – Had another meeting with the boss, about a previous project involving the data load. Changes AGAIN need to be made, and not having enough time this week, I was onto something on Friday, but hit a dead end with my logic.

Thursday – So working on the data load – basically, the parts of what my boss spoke about yesterday didnt make sense, after I looked into the code and the external databases. Headed to uni for some study after work. Was also supposed to pick up my speakers, but didn’t have time to get to Parramatta.

Friday – had internet troubles at work. It was out suppliers supplier who had the problem where we were not able to access external international websites. Headed out that night as well, and met up with a few people.

Saturday – I had planned to go Mountain Biking, but since i got home so late on friday, I thought it’d be better if i just stayed home. Woke up at 9 and it was a lovely day. So woke up my mate and we headed to FreshWater Beach for the day. Just wish I had a board to go surfing. Nice waves, nice weather. It was also election day. Fortunately, I applied late apparently, and wasn’t eligible this time round of elections. I guess I’m not too fussed about it, but I’m sure I will be as time goes on. So was also supposed to get speakers, but again, didn’t, so plan for it on thursday. Its ok, because I do have their pair. I got home from the beach, only to head out again last night till quite late.

Today – Woke up, early (day light savings this morning so dont know whats going to happen tomorrow – assume I’ll be up very early) , and headed to the uni library to study. Basically heaping a friend to get them through data structures (C programming). It was good, since i think that the data structures subject I did at uni was a lot shorter (they have done a C programming subject and this is a data structures subject). So still a bit to learn, but its coming back, but still difficult. Just a comfortable, relaxing and cold day.

I just hope I get more time to keep this blog up to date. I should though, but again, I feel bad for my projects, since they seem to be falling behind, but I’ve been told that operations is much more important, but I cant help but feel bad.

Written by Milton Lai

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