Last few days have been… expensive. So Thursday night, I headed with my cousin to LifeStyleStore. After a lot of umming and arring, I ended up putting on order, a Cambridge Audio Azur 540R receiver and a set of Dynaudio Audience 42’s. The 42’s are very nice sounding with a big price tag. It would sound just the much sweeter with a subwoofer, but for the moment, these babies will do for easy listening. The receiver, I was told, for the price, is a lot better than some Marantz and Harmon Kardon amplifiers. Only time will tell (Thursday is the pick up day). So that was Thursday night. Friday, I spent at work, checking if people had indeed installed the symantec update. We were told that if 10 computers were detected to have the virus, we would be disconnected from the rest of the world. So this wasn’t taken lightly. I had some time to do look at soundcards since my desktop PC would act as my DVD player as well as meet all my audio playing needs. So i needed a connection between my PC and the amplifer. I came across the Sound Blaster Digital I/O Module which means I’ll be getting another soundcard since my SoundBlaster Live Value is VERY outdated – so will be getting the Sound Blaster Audigy Value which I believe is compatible. So the module is on order right now.

Yesterday, I headed out with my cousin to go get his textbooks for uni, and following we headed to J.B. Hifi in Parramatta to find myself a settop box. Found myself the Dgtec DG-HD905 which is a standard HD set top box, no recorder, but as I have found out, can have multiple displayed hooked up and playing at the samem time. I was able to grab all my necessary cables in preparation for Thursday! Following this I went out to go buy myself the BenQ FP241W, but even though calling on of the stores which said they had it, I turned up and no one would acknowledged that they mentioned anything about having the monitor in stock. So in the end, I put the monitor on order and I should be able to pick it up on tuesday/wednesday.

My mate also came back from the States from a 3 month working holiday yesterday, so it was required that I pop by to have a chat and hang. Since it was such a scorcher, we went down to the local pools for a swim, then back to his place for some rest (obviously the jet-lag was starting to get to him). I scored myself a new shirt and a cap. He headed out to go have some drink and I had a few things I needed to get done. Got home, re-arranged my whole room, to accommodate my new toys. Hooked up the set-top box which currently goes into my graphic card so I can record on my PC. I now have one less monitor, which will turn itself into a 24inch LCD in a few days. The HD is soooo sweet, I cant wait until I pop it into my new monitor! My room is slightly cleaner now, and will be very clean one my new speakers sit on my desk. No more pointy objects ANYWHERE.

I still need a format of both my PC and my laptop (especially my laptop since my wireless at home isn’t even working – currently via crossover cable to my desktop). But as of this morning, I installed Synergy. So now, my laptop keyboard and mouse, control my laptop AND desktop. Previously I would always grab the wrong mouse and type on the wrong computer. So it is all solved – and its SO FUN! One other thing I still need after I save up some more will be another 19 or 21 inch LCD just for my desktop. I will post some pictures up once I get my monitor, amplifer and speakers and maybe some diagrams of what my setup is.

Wedding today… just waiting for my brother.

Written by Milton Lai

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