Finally, yesterday, I received the little post slip saying that the postman missed me. Received the package today, installed it, works a treat. So its the Alpine KCA-410C Versatile Link Unit. It allows you to connect two CD changers and have 2 pairs of Aux in. One thing I’ll be looking for is the iPod adapter which may use one of the cd changers. I’m not sure yet. Will also be looking for another CD stacker if the iPod adapter uses the other cable hanging out of my head unit.

Here is my current head unit:

This is the Link Unit I just bought:

And here is one noticable change: Hopefully this whole screen will be full of different sources. So add to that another CD Changer, another Aux In (although im sure my laptop is enough) and an iPod.

Well apart from my excitedness today (I even left work a BIT earlier – 20 minutes), it had been very busy. This week I’m on IT help, so all the IT emails directed my way and the phone is all mine. There were a few computers to set up on Monday, nothing major, and today there seemed to be a lot of running around which was good. Nothing memorable since I was just looking forward to my package. My work mate wanted to have a clean install of Vista for testing. Booted Vista, realised you couldn’t format and install and so installed XP before upgrading to Vista. Had a look at it today, and not having all the time in the world to play with it, it looks very confusing. Although I’m sure with some time I would get used to it, and everything would be customisable, but as far as I could tell, it looked like a nightmare to learn for beginners. Also, it seemed to just idle using 500mb of RAM, which isn’t too great. I guess you really do need, as a minimum, 2 gigs of RAM. Something to look towards, but not at this time… waiting for my MACBOOK PRO!

I did have a problem with my laptop last night, not being able to surf the net. It’s the same today. Basically both my desktop and laptop are wireless. Desktop connects to the network and I can surf, Laptop connects to the network but cannot surf. I can see my desktop files, but just no net. When I hook up the ethernet cable, it works on my laptop. So somethings wrong with the wireless… and I dont want to format or do anything drastic right now until my… MACBOOK PRO comes. So right now, I’ve bridged my wireless and ethernet connections on my desktop and have an ethernet cable between my desktop and laptop… Just a temporary fix.

Written by Milton Lai

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