So today started off with me heading to Garigal National Park. By recommendation by my sister, since it isn’t as far as the blue mountains and shorter. In fact it was very short, but a workout nonetheless. So it starts on Cascades Track and you turn off at the second TrackTrail. This connects onto Bare Creek Track and you take a left back onto Cascades Track. It is a short loop which you can go around and around. Its fast. The downhills are a lot of fun. Slippery in parts, but so much fun. This was my first time, reached 35km/h, not the fastest down a mountain, but enough to nearly get air without trying. Nice river that flows through:

So it was short. In fact it took me 30 minutes of riding time. Sure I did walk around 300 metres of the track. The uphill was a killer. I mean the faster and further you go down, the further and harder you have to climb back up. The track is 5km long.

So after that I headed into the city for the first official Training Workshop held by the Australian Parkour Association. I trained a small amount, but was quite tired from my sprint down George street, avoiding myself being hit my buses and cars. Basically, these workshops are “designed to benefit newcomers by teaching the fundamentals as well as building on strength and conditioning. For regulars it is designed to drill techniques and build strength and conditioning.”

It started off with warm ups, drilling landing, drilling rolls, drilling speed vaults, drilling climb ups and a warm down. 17 people turned up which was fantastic. Here is a bunch of photos from today.

End of a good long tiring day. Can’t wait till next time. Check out for training sessions and information as well as .

Written by Milton Lai

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