Its been 3 days, 3 very long days, or very short depending on how you want to look at it. As mentioned, I had a meeting with someone who needs clarification on many aspects of my export. It went quite well, I spent the first half of monday generating error pages for her, where there is bad data. It of course had to be in a usable format so to make it easier for her and others to fix. During that day, and since then, we have been flooded with new users, new computers and more computer problems. Not blogging everyday of course means I dont remember them.

I’ve been shifted by the boss to another database, which needed to be completed asap. Well, its a bit of a mixed message, since originally I was told that the users stopped inputing data into their access database, and writing on paper until we get all the data in. So in which case, I need to be quick. The boss comes in late yesterday saying he’s spoken to the people and they are now inputing data into their database again, and will continue until we have everything working. So the heat was taken off. Today he comes in and asks about how I was going with it. He normally doesn’t ask me about how things are going, especially the day after he tells me about it. So, I’m only to assume it needs to be completed asap.

Apart from that, I spent an hour this morning creating a script that will generate my error report pages on their own. This saves HEAPS of time. I spent the other half the day today, going around one floor of the building, checking port numbers, ip addresses and hostnames, for all the computers. This weekend, not that I have the time since there will be another wedding, one of the guys will be in, ripping out all the cables out of the switches and only plugging in occupied ports. Running out of ports in the switches and so a clean up is necessary. Its also too messy. It was a great chance to meet some people. Everyone there is very friendly, its fantastic.

Main brain picker this week so far has been my brothers website. Basically couldn’t upload to it from home when using windows computers, but macs run fine. So it doesnt make sense. It doesnt put the blame on the modem, or on the hosting company, or even on the ISP. I spent a couple hours last night trying to figure it out, and I brought it down to macs and pcs, use different FTP protocols which either the modem, isp or host is blocking the pc ftp protocol. BUT I’m sure they have the same protocols, I mean, FTP IS a protocol. So really no idea, but apparently earlier tonight, he told me its working again. So no idea whats going on.

It just seems this week so far, I’ve got so much to do, and the day ends so soon, even though I’ve been putting in more hours than normal. I half wish that everyday would be like this, but again, I like the feeling that I’ve accomplished something in a good timeframe instead of dragging things on. Its been a great week. Can’t wait for the weekend… I hope my eBay purchases arrive by the weekend (they were sent on monday from melbourne and perth so i doubt it), so i can install it on sunday. Otherwise, just a relaxing sunday, or possibly go on an adventure…

Written by Milton Lai

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