Past few days have been very long and very sore. Sore of course from capoeira which only means I worked hard during the class. It has been a long time coming – should be fine by tomorrow. So starting on friday, had work as usual, quieter day than usual. Finally given the priviledge of having the super-user password. Scary thought, that now I CAN damage the database and anything to do with it. So using it with great caution. Spent most the day on help desk and staring at my monitor trying to figure out binary code sets and using cursors in stored procedures. Still can’t figure out the cursor bit – long story. So this week, I’ll be having a meeting with a gentleman who wants the software for which I am doing the data conversion for. Thats on wednesday. Until then, i will have more meetings with the boss, hoping that everything I have done so far, is correct or along the right lines.

Yesterday had a wedding on a scorcher of a day. Started at bride and grooms places, with tea ceremonies, then off to the Royal Botanical Gardens for the ceremony, some quick location shoots, and the reception in Chinatown. Here are some pics:

So this one, I like, due to the vandalism work done to the sign (theres another sign one this week). I guess I was trying to show the “real”ness of the wedding

This one is from the reception, a simple capture between the cake and glasses

This one I just saw and had to take. The more reflections the better. Was using the car.

This one is another one i like. Feels like something is missing, but the sign is great “keep moving” is what i’m getting at

So another great wedding and there are more at .

Today, woke up hot and sticky. My room being a sauna since its carpeted, no air conditioning and too many appliances plugged in. Was able to get out of the house at 1 and went with a friend to parramatta westfields and shopped. Havn’t been there in a while, its quite big, but nothing interesting to buy. As the shops closed, we headed back to his place to another few rounds of Generals, before I retired to come home to blog and sleep. Its still too hot to sleep.

Written by Milton Lai

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