So after my misadventure last week (not being able to find the place), I got myself a phone number and found it. Lead my Kim Cheng from Bantus in Perth, it was a great night. I havn’t been to capoeira classes in over a year. It was great to get back into it. Those people from Perth of course call things slightly differently than what I was used to, but got straight back into it. Started at 7 and finished two hours later. I know tomorrow I’ll be very sore and I can already feel the blisters on my feet.

So I spent yesterday looking at something new from the boss, which I didn’t quite understand until today. He outlined it over the phone call and we had a 5 minute meeting about it today. It relates to binary code sets and how they are used in stored procedures. I’ve already encountered normal code sets, but these binary are pretty similar. Apart from this, since i’m on IT help, my time has to be dedicated to answering the phone and helping the rest of the building. One very strange thing, which still cant be solved is, someone was sending an email to ‘everyone’ which is a distribution list. We have a size limit being 20Kb. This email consisted of 6 lines of text and a signature. When saved in notepad, it was 9Kb, but it would not send, and it bounced. This was sent through Outlook. Sending through our webmail client, it was fine. On receiving the email through outlook, it says the file size is 10Kb. So still dont know why, especially since another ‘everyone’ email was sent shortly after by someone else. Something to ponder about until it happens again.

Another strange thing also, relating to Office X on macs. Basically, if you open a text file, type in some text, highlight it, go to edit > copy. Then you open up excel and click on a field and go to edit > paste, paste will be void. Hitting apple + v wont do anything either. It just seems to not have copied. Way around it was to open excel first, in which case it works. The way I solved it, since the people who were using it were used to their “process”, meant that I had to install office 2004 which solved the problem.

Written by Milton Lai

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